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Afghan Migrants In Hamburg

Afghan migrants in Hamburg

Growing numbers

The number of Afghan migrants arriving in Hamburg has been rising steadily since 2015. In that year, just over 1,000 Afghans sought asylum in the city. By 2019, that number had climbed to over 4,000. This trend has continued in 2020, with over 2,000 Afghans arriving in Hamburg in the first six months of the year.

Integration and challenges

Many of the Afghan migrants who have arrived in Hamburg are young men who have fled war and persecution in their home country. They often come to Germany with little more than the clothes on their backs and no knowledge of the German language or culture. This can make it difficult for them to integrate into German society. However, there are a number of organizations in Hamburg that are working to help Afghan migrants settle into their new lives. These organizations provide a variety of services, including language classes, job training, and housing assistance.

Concerns about security

The recent deterioration in security in Afghanistan has raised concerns among Afghan migrants in Hamburg. Many of them are worried about the safety of their families and friends who remain in Afghanistan. They are also concerned about the possibility that the Taliban could take control of the country and impose harsh restrictions on women and minorities.


"I am very worried about my family in Afghanistan," said one Afghan migrant who has been living in Hamburg for several years. "I don't know what will happen to them if the Taliban takes over." "We are all very grateful for the help that we have received in Germany," said another Afghan migrant. "But we are also very worried about what is happening in our home country."
